2024 Seed Potato Varieties

Seed Potatoes for 2024.

Here is a brief overview of the three varieties of seed potatoes we will be carrying for 2024. All seed potatoes come from Prairie Dome Potatoes out of Yorkton, Saskatchewan, and the information below comes from their website, https://prairiedome.com

Mid-Season Maturity (85-100 days)
Purple-skinned, creamy white fleshed tubers, High yield with very large tubers.
Excellent culinary qualities.
Popular potato for gardeners.

Late Season Maturity (100-120 days)
Fair yielding, fast growing, oblong, smooth creamy buff skin with shallow eyes and white flesh.
Good to excellent for boiling, baking, chipping and french frying.
Tubers green rapidly when exposed to light.

Mid-Season Maturity (85-100 days)
High yielding, oblong round, smooth red skin, shallow eyes, very white flesh, tubers size early.
Has a tendency to produce oversizd rough tubers if allowed to grow until maturity.
Drought resistant, tolerant to adverse weather conditions.
Excellent boiling qualities ad good baking qualities.


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